Global Ministries

King's Cross Church

Partner Church | Vancouver British Columbia
Vancouver British Columbia

The Grahams and Streckers have partnered for the last two years and planted King's Cross in May 2023. Born into a missionary family, Jeremy loves cross-cultural experiences and the ethnic and cultural diversity of Vancouver. He’s passionate about creating spaces where people of all ages can have fun together and discover the good news of Jesus in a way that makes sense to those living in the real world.


Jeremy and Kim Graham

Joel was born and raised in Calgary before moving to Vancouver for school. Joel loves God's word and the thrill of helping newcomers discover Jesus for the first time through the Scriptures. You'll always find Joel working with his hands any chance he gets.


Joel and Audrey Strecker

King's Cross is planted at the crossroads between two of Metro Vancouver's largest municipalities, the cities of Vancouver and Burnaby. The church gathers in a community space that sits on the ground floor of a 30-story condo tower surrounded by 50,000 multicultural residents from all over the world within a 5km radius. King's Cross aims to be a neighbourhood Anglican parish, loving and serving the Joyce/Collingwood community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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