Global Ministries

Tibi & Carla Ribi

Global Worker | Calgary
Tibi & Carla Ribi

Tibi & Carla have been married for 30 years. Together they have a passion to help introduce others to the Lord and help believers grown in their maturity in Christ.

Tibi is a National Champion and an All-Star Canadian football player from Western University, where he also received a degree in Business/Psychology. Tibi is the Alberta Area Director for LeaderImpact, the Business domain of Power To Change in which he has worked for 20+ years. While Tibi’s primary focus is the education and development of the personal aspect of leadership he has also attained prominence as an outstanding communicator and event planner. His attention to core values provides a balanced approach to both leadership and business issues. Because of this he has become a sought-after relational coach for business leaders.

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