Global Stories

Risking it All

June 09, 2023

Risking it All

Passionate Christians are risking it all to bring hope to their own nation.

Nestled in a cozy acre at the base of a majestic mountain in Southeast Asia, a movement is stirring. Young women and men who have felt the call of God on their lives come here to dedicate years of their lives to study what it means to follow Him. They will be sent out as church planters, evangelists, and pastors to areas where only 1-2% of the population are Christian. This is their home country and they are passionate about sharing the hope they have in Jesus. It comes at great cost, however. Their families may disown them. They could go to jail, or be run out of town. But their passion for the Gospel of Christ and the love they have for their neighbors compels them to continue. They trust that God will meet their needs. Since its inception, the Bible College/Seminary has sent out over 100 graduates, all of whom are currently engaged in ministry. Think about the impact that is having in that country!

Here are a few thoughts from this year’s graduating class:

“I am in my third and final year at the college-seminary. When I first stepped onto this campus, I knew one sentence in English. Every day I lived with trembling and fear. I used to spend hours in prayers and studies. God saw my tears and helped me to attain the language. Now I’m confident in speaking, understanding and communicating. Here I learned how to know God and lead others to Christ. I had lots of questions, but my teachers were always there with godly advice. They have discipled me to be a follower of Jesus, so now I can do that for others.”

“When I came to Bible school, no one in my family or neighborhood knew where I was going. I come from a very religious family, opposed to Christianity. After arriving at Bible school, I told to my mom where I was and why I am studying the Bible. She was shocked to learn that I am following Jesus. My Dad still doesn’t know because my mother is afraid of the consequences for me if he finds out. To this day my dad still doesn’t know that I follow Jesus. This college helped me to know God more intimately and cultivated in me a habit of meditating on the Word. I love spending time studying God’s word and learning how to apply its truths to my life.”

“I wasn’t sure exactly what my purpose was when I arrived at this school. Now I know my purpose and wake up every day ready to live it out. I praise God for this school and Godly professors who spend hours and years leading me to be a more passionate Christian. Here I learned how to study and understand the Word of God. There is a way to apply each of its truths in my daily life. As I’m in my final year here, please pray for me. My passion is to reach young people for Christ.”

Please continue to pray for these young people, their nation, and the Bible school.

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” –Matthew 9: 37-38

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